Duo formed of Rob Gallagher (ex Galliano and Earl Zinger) and Alex Patchwork with guests Emma Jean Thackray and Ignacio Salvadores (King Krule). The Diabolical Liberties release their debut album High Protection and The Sportswear Mystics via the boundary breaking On The Corner Records label - a bastion of oddball jazz and electronics from the worldwide underground. Comprising of Rob on vocals, guitar, bass and Alex as head of squarepushing, the duo’s debut longplayer is a rough, unpolished gem of a record that falls clumsily in the gaps between post-punk, electronica and jazz. Lead single Sliders embodies this identity crisis, simultaneously honouring and deriding the ubiquity of said footwear over resonant breakbeats, plonking cowbell and the screeching horn of Ignacio Salvadores (King Krule / Gal Go). Elsewhere, the brilliant Emma Jean Thackray sprinkles High Protection with cosmic dust, Bigger Than You is a ramshackle (but no less respectful) homage to the 70s Ghanaian disco/fusion purveyed by legends like Ebo Taylor and Pat Thomas. All produced and recorded in a shed, on train platforms, trains, tubes and occasionally Caffè Nero in Cheam when it was quieter than home.
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